Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


if you want a thing bad enough
to go out and fight for it
work day and night for it
give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it

if only desire of it
makes you quite mad enough
never to tire of it
makes you hold all other things tawdry and cheap for it

if life seems all empty and useless without it
and all that you scheme and you dream is about it

if gladdy you'll sweat for it,
fret for it,
plan for it,
lose all your teror of God or man for it

if you'll simply g after that thing that you want
with all your capacity
strength and sagacity
faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity

if neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt
nor sickness nor pain
of body or brain
can turn you away from the thing that you want

if dogged and grim you besiege and beset it
you'll get it

                       Berton Braley


Okt' 31, 2010, i have plan...i go to java for someday to finish an arrangement.

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

my schedule....

schedule...one week...:
campus...skul...courses at skul...courses at college...
rincian tugas....dalam 1 minggu:
1. buat laporan visitas audit EDPS
2. nyusun borang akreditasi...cos Pak Jhon yang dari univ Ambon mo go home...
3. nyusun perangkat pembelajaran kuliah; SAP, silabus, bahan ajar/modul.
4. nyusun perangkat pembelajaran skul....supervisi...silabus, RPP, prota, prosem, nilai
5. buat soal Top Ten untuk kls 3 SMP n SMK at courses. Tgl 10 Nov Top Ten....
good luck for me...

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010



berdiri di ujung takdir
gamang melintasi titian akhir
tertatih...sembari berharap ada esok yang teringini
sungguh...andai saja masih ada asa
yang mau bercengkrama
tentulah hati tak akan
sepenat ini berkelana

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010


malem minggu mo nongkrong di lap merdeka mampir ke cak blangkon nyicipin salomenya....yahud...

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

bikin cerita

minggu2 ne aku mo nyoba bikin naskah cerita...
draft-nya gak jauh2 dari seputar kehidupan manusia yang pelik or gak tergantung dari sudut pandang mana kita menganalisis.....

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010